Well, my little boy goes to Preschool. It is really a funny story, I had him set up to go to preschool with Gavin his cousin and it ended with one call. They called when Mark was home with a Man Cold... and they asked if he was potty trained, well Mark said no and not even close. How did he know we had been working on it.. Well that ended his preschool days with Pleasant Grove City. I knew i needed him to get out and be with other kids so i called my friend and she said try the preschool Brighter Child, i do have a brighter child...I thought.So i called and he is enrolled. He went on Tuesday and he did not really want to color and eat his snack, but the teacher said he really loves letters and he knows them all. I said yeah, want to boast him up to three days a week..(HaHa) No she said he did great! It had been a really long time since i had sent a kid to preschool, so i was a little sad till Reagan cried all the way home and i thought where do they take one year olds...
So only two more at home!!